Stream/Pond Permits
The District assists municipalities with a variety of permitting needs. Work near streams, wetlands and floodplains may require permitting for installation, operation and maintenance. The District works directly with Ontario County and municipalities to install projects such as streambank stabilization and stormwater management infrastructure.

The District assists with the assessment of culvert condition and evaluation of aquatic connectivity utilizing North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) protocol. Culvert sizing based on watershed characteristic and NYS DEC and US Army Corps of Engineers permit assistance is also provided.

Drainage Improvements/Flood Mitigation Projects
The District assists with projects to improve drainage and mitigate the impacts of flooding on communities. Managing stormwater and improving drainage are ways to help communities increase resiliency to storm damage.
Stream Stabilization in the Town of Naples
The District recently partnered with a private landowner and US Fish and Wildlife Service to stabilize a section of stream in the Town of Naples. Severe erosion of the streambank was threatening loss of property and a constant source of sediments and nutrients to this beautiful trout stream. Using natural channel design, a contractor installed a j-hook, rock step structures, and a floodplain bench to stabilize approximately 200 feet of streambank. The District assisted with permitting and construction oversight.



Drainage Stabilization Benefiting Honeoye Lake
The Ontario County SWCD provided technical assistance to the Town of Richmond and funding through the Finger Lakes-Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance (FLLOWPA) for a road ditch stabilization project in the Town of Richmond along the East Lake Road of Honeoye Lake. This road ditch had become unstable and was leading to severe erosion resulting in sediment and nutrient loss from the site. The Town of Richmond Highway Department replaced the existing driveway culvert pipe and installed two grade control structures utilizing large rock to help provide stabilization. This stabilization will reduce erosion and sediment loss from the area therefore decreasing the amount of sediment and nutrients entering Honeoye Lake.

