The OWSC is a group of government entities comprised of the Ontario County Highway Department, Wayne County Highway Department, Towns of Ontario, Farmington, Walworth, Macedon, Victor, and the Village of Victor. This group works cooperatively to fulfill the MS4 Permit (GP-0-15-003) requirements and meet the 6 Minimum Control Measures set forth in the Permit. By working together, the coalition can draw from multiple resources and utilize information to accomplish the annual stormwater goals for the coalition as a whole and meet the needs of the communities.

Keep an eye out for these signs when you are in our local MS4 communities!

Alaina Robarge, our Conservation District Educator helps with education and outreach for the Coalition. You may see her at school classrooms, science fairs, workshops, and other events with her watershed model. This model shows children how they can impact our watershed and what to do to protect our waterways!

Over the winter months, Alaina Robarge, of Ontario County SWCD, and Kim Boyd, of BME Associates, traveled throughout Ontario County and Wayne County to discuss Pollution Prevention, Good Housekeeping, and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE). They presented to the employees of the Ontario County Highway Department, the Village of Victor, the Town of Victor, the Town of Farmington, the Town of Macedon, Wayne County Highway Department, and the Town of Walworth. This training fulfills part of the OWSC goals and minimum measures required for the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.