Vernal Pools at Canandaigua Vista Property
The District recently partnered with the Finger Lakes Land Trust (FLLT) to install several vernal pools at the Canandaigua Vista Property in the Town of Canandaigua. This project was made possible by utilizing Part B funding available to the District through the New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee as well as funds from the FLLT.
Vernal pools are a type of seasonal, depressional wetland which provides water quality and habitat values. These structures collect water during the spring from melting snow and rain, then dry up during late summer or early fall. They help to create water storage, mitigate flooding, promote groundwater infiltration, enrich public opportunities to view wildlife, and provide essential habitat for species such as frogs, toads, turtles and salamanders. These aquatic egg laying species take advantage of the seasonal water levels within the vernal pools to find safe havens to lay their eggs and allow their offspring to develop.
The project at the Canandaigua Vista Property includes the installation of 4 vernal pools in succession along an existing hedgerow. The next time you are in the area be sure to stop for a quick hike and take a look to see what species are using the pools!