Stream Stabilization at Fishers Park in Victor
Ontario County SWCD completed a stream stabilization project in the Town of Victor at Fishers Park to control erosion and sediment through Best Management Practices. This project utilized toe-wood for natural stream channel design. The design supports habitat for aquatic species and recreational access for the community. Prior to project installation, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) performed an electroshocking survey to document fish species and population numbers. This survey will be performed again in following years to see how population levels are affected by the project. Finger Lakes-Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance (FLLOWPA) funds were used for materials and labor and technical assistance through project design and implementation. The Town of Victor provided match in the form of materials, equipment and labor. US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) provided design and technical support for the project. The Town of Victor will be planting native trees and shrubs along the riparian corridor to further stabilize the area and provide additional wildlife habitat.