Restoring Aquatic Connectivity in Eelpot Creek
Anglers come from all over for a chance to fish the Naples Creek area, bringing tourists to the Town of Naples each year for the annual fishing derby. Naples and Eelpot Creeks are ecologically important areas as the spawning grounds for rainbow trout traveling upstream from Canandaigua Lake.
This project enhanced 2 road crossing culverts that posed a barrier to aquatic passage, especially during periods of low flow while fish were spawning. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service designed the structures and helped to oversee construction along with the District. Funding from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Improvement Program provided funding for construction costs. The Canandaigua Lake Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU) also offered their support via funding through their Embrace A Stream grant program for construction as well as the donation of their members’ time for planting trees and shrubs to enhance the riparian area. Thanks to all of the support from TU members who made this project #1 in the National Embrace A Stream Challenge! The stories of generations of anglers enjoying Naples Creek and personal connections make this project very rewarding for us.
Installing in-stream structures helped to raise the streambeds and stream water level to minimize the perched culverts. Adding structure also creates fishing pools and provides habitat in the upper most headwaters of Naples Creek. Reconnecting these sections of stream will support aquatic passage and open up the upper reaches of stream for spawning habitat. This project allowed the District to bring together multiple partners to enhance both water quality and aquatic habitat. Grab your fishing poles on April 1st to experience trout fishing in Naples Creek!