Erosion Stabilization & Culvert Repair Project on County Road 6
The Ontario County Department of Public Work’s Highway Department recently completed work on an erosion stabilization and culvert repair project on County Road 6 in the Town of Geneva. Funding for this project was secured by the District through the Water Quality Improvement Project, Round 19 with the County providing the local match. The project site is located on Wilson Creek, a direct tributary to Seneca Lake and was identified as a priority project in the Seneca-Keuka Watershed Nine Element Plan for Phosphorus.
The creek and culvert are located in a deep ravine-like setting nearly 70 feet below the road grade with difficult access. A large retaining wall connected directly to the culvert (also known as a wing wall), had collapsed into the creek and the three remaining wingwalls were beginning to tilt away from the embankment towards the creek. In addition, heavy erosion was occurring along the embankment slopes allowing soil to enter the creek. Repairs to the site involved stabilizing the existing wing walls with a technique called “soil nailing”. This technique involves drilling long threaded steel bars through the wingwalls and into the embankment soil. Upon installation, the bars are then tightened to stabilize the wing walls and embankment material. Additional repairs included the construction of stone lined ditches at locations where the embankment slopes and stream banks intercept. A huge thank you to the Ontario County Department of Public Works for partnering on this project and providing their expertise!