Erosion Control and Stabilization Best Management Practice Project
The District worked with the Town of Canandaigua and a local landowner to design and install a
water control structure and drainage stabilization to reduce erosion and sediment in the
Canandaigua Lake watershed. Roadside drainage has been modified along Wells Curtice Road
in the Town of Canandaigua. The increase in volume and velocity of stormwater led to erosion of the drainage way. A drop inlet, larger culvert and heavy stone rip-rap for outlet protection and grade control was utilized. The installed BMPs are focused on controlling the volume of stormwater while reducing erosion and
ultimately improve water quality in Canandaigua Lake. The District worked in partnership with
the Town of Canandaigua to work outside of the Town’s right of way to address stormwater
impacts as well as provide technical assistance to the homeowner on managing drainage on
their property. OCSWCD staff assisted the Town of Canandaigua through the purchase of construction
materials and provided technical support through survey and design assistance. Funding was utilized from Finger Lakes/Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance (FLLOWPA), and the Town of Canandaigua.