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Water & Sediment Control Basins in the Castle Creek Watershed

The Town and City of Geneva have experienced extensive flooding and stormwater damage in recent years. In addition, reducing erosion and providing sediment control are major concerns in the Seneca Lake Watershed. Managing stormwater through upland water retention helps us provide resiliency to storm events and improve water quality. A great deal of planning and coordination has gone into locating sites for water retention. Identifying landowners willing to donate land for water control structures has been a critical step in this process. Utilizing a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Finger Lakes Watershed grant, funding from Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association, and funding from Finger Lakes – Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance, the District was able to work with landowners to construct two edge of field water and sediment control basins near Carter Road in the Castle Creek watershed that combined, will store over 1.5 million gallons of water per storm event and lead to preventing an estimated soil loss of 150 tons per year. This project is one of many the District is working on to manage stormwater in our County and increase resiliency to impactful weather.

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