Rotational Grazing Project in Bristol
The Ontario County SWCD recently completed a 15 acre prescribed grazing management project on a farm in the Town of Bristol. This project consisted of setting up multiple pasture paddocks for rotational grazing of beef cattle. The project used 5450 feet of 4 strand high tensile fencing to exclude livestock from adjacent streams, ponds and wetlands and included the implementation of over 2 acres of riparian buffer areas for additional resource protection. The project also installed 175 feet of access road to the pasture to allow for a stable entrance for small farm equipment. This project was completed in the Genesee River Watershed as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI).This project provides a permanent perimeter fence for the farm operator, while also protecting natural resources from livestock impacts. Fencing is often used as a common sense, economical conservation tool on many livestock operations.