Covered Barnyard & Access Control Project
Ontario County SWCD recently completed a livestock heavy use area runoff management system on a farm in the Town of Farmington. This project consisted of installing a covered barnyard over an outdoor cattle feeding area as well as installing a roof-water runoff management system. This best management practice keeps clean water from mixing with manure and becoming nutrient laden runoff. The manure will be removed from the covered barnyard and spread on the farm cropland based on soil tests and sound nutrient management guidelines. This project was completed with assistance provided through the NYS Ag & Markets AEM Implementation Grant Program. This project provides a permanent perimeter fence for the farm operator, while also protecting natural resources from livestock impacts. Additionally, the farm has divided up the interior of the pasture in multiple paddocks to allow for a rotational grazing of the herd, as well as for haying some fields for first cutting before the cows graze the 2nd growth. Fencing is often used as a common sense, economical, conservation tool on many livestock operations.